Driving B2B ecommerce success

How Kenosha Truck Parts transformed its commercial vehicle business

Image of KTP website


Kenosha Truck Parts (KTP) supplies truck parts for Class 4 and above commercial vehicles, including tractor-trailers, vocational trucks, and RVs. Since 2000, KTP has focused on empowering customers on the road, ensuring they can quickly access and receive the parts they need. This commitment to customers has been a cornerstone of KTP's success.

The opportunity

Having established a successful presence as a regional truck parts supplier in Wisconsin, KTP's growth necessitated a user-friendly ecommerce website. KTP actively sought a development partner to lead its digital transformation, with a key focus on attracting new customers while retaining the existing ones.

The outcome

Today, KTP has a quick and efficient ecommerce website built on Craft Commerce. KTP team members can manage the website and perform routine activities without developers, such as adding and updating products. In addition, customers can order items online at any time, day or night. The improved customer experience benefits KTP staff, leaving more time to grow other aspects of the business.


When truck drivers break down on the side of the road, time is of the essence. To meet quotas and deadlines, drivers will go to the place that can serve them the quickest to get back on the road as quickly as possible. Fleet managers and mechanics are looking for fast and efficient solutions online.

Having successfully established itself as a regional parts supplier, Kenosha Truck Parts (KTP) recognized the need to compete nationally by establishing a simple web presence in 2016.

KTP’s first attempt at a basic ecommerce website allowed for little flexibility as online buying behaviors developed with time. Known for going the extra mile in providing customer service, the KTP team soon realized their website needed improvements in functionality, which led to the search for a development partner.

Identifying the need for a B2B digital transformation

While KTP’s original website was a step in the right direction, its lack of key ecommerce functionality meant customers and KTP staff faced roadblocks.

Team members constantly needed a developer to make necessary changes to the website. And the buying experience needed improvements to keep up with growing customer demands.

Customer Service Specialist Jerimiah Gilmore explains,

"The next generation of truck drivers started finding information in new ways. All of our customers wanted an app or website they could use. We hadn't moved into ecommerce, and we needed someone to teach us that, to help us."

As client expectations for more self-serve purchase options continued to rise and team members' frustration grew, KTP realized the urgent need for a digital transformation.

Choosing the right B2B ecommerce development partner

Understandably, KTP was wary of making changes that would risk losing loyal customers. Knowing the complexity of doing more business online, they preferred to take a 'walk before you run' approach for their digital transformation. Their goal was to gradually introduce new digital features and services to their customers, ensuring a smooth transition and minimal disruption.

To help them do this they sought out a development partner who could listen to feedback from customers and salespeople and give advice about the best technical solutions.

Jerimiah emphasized the importance of a user-friendly website saying,

"The user-friendly aspect was crucial for us. We wanted a website that was easy to understand and use. Our goal was to empower our customers to place orders themselves through our online platform."

The KTP team had already identified Craft Commerce as their preferred platform, believing it would give them more control over day-to-day activities.

After meeting with several Craft Commerce agencies, the KTP team chose Foster Commerce. Their decision was based on factors such as technical expertise, cultural fit, and budget considerations.

"Out of all the agencies we spoke with, Foster Commerce had the most knowledge about the Craft Commerce platform, and we just hit it off. Foster Commerce is easy to work with and easy to talk with. It felt like we were working with someone we had known for years."

— Jerimiah Gilmore

Implementing a successful B2B digital transformation

KTP knew that updating the website to do more business online was a learning process. In their choice of Foster Commerce developers they found reliable guides that led them through a three-phase implementation process. The process included design, development, and testing before the final launch.

Phase 1: Design

Foster Commerce led KTP team members through collaborative design discussions each month to harmonize the website's feel and functionality. After each discussion, the Foster Commerce team produced designs and returned them to KTP for feedback and integration of preferred ideas.

Phase 2: Development

In the development phase more refinements to the design emerged as developers sought a balance between the needs of the KTP brand with practical business requirements.

The Foster Commerce team integrated the third-party programs KTP relied upon to do daily business. They also introduced third-party software that was new to the KTP team, like Postie and Algolia.

Phase 3: Testing and rollout

In the final phase before launch, KTP took time to learn how their customers liked their website's new look and functionality. KTP team members tested everything, too. Meetings with Foster Commerce became more frequent as testing results and customer feedback drove final refinements before launch.

Post-launch B2B ecommerce success

KTP employees feel optimistic and excited about the new website. Team members enjoy the latest automated capabilities, such as building profiles, invoicing, and generating emails. With their time freed up from these daily tasks, employees report that they can now focus on providing better customer service.

KTP customers love it, too. No longer reliant on making a telephone call during business hours to order parts, customers enjoy the freedom to research products and build orders according to their needs and timelines.

As KTP's online sales continue to grow, the company is committed to making continuous improvements to the website. For instance, the addition of search functionality has made the site more user-friendly.

To ensure these enhancements are seamless, the Foster Commerce team remains accessible via quarterly meetings. This ongoing support is designed to reassure both KTP employees and customers that they are not alone on this journey.

Jerimiah has this to say about the post-launch phase:

"If we have an idea, we aren't told that we need a bigger project to get it done. I can just send them a note, and within a day, it's answered, or we can talk about it."

Long-term impact of B2B ecommerce

The long-term positive impacts of having a new website continue to grow. The new website helps KTP keep pace with technological changes and confidently respond to evolving customer expectations.

For example, the KTP team can seamlessly add new product categories or make small changes to the content as needed. This newfound smooth and efficient operational capacity has improved KTP’s customer response times, which is crucial for its time-sensitive industry.

As Jerimiah puts it:

"Our website had to be able to produce things quickly and efficiently, and that's what we got. There have been no hiccups since the launch. We've added new product categories and it's gone super smooth."

A surprising additional benefit for KTP is how, from the project's beginning, Foster Commerce developers talked about what would happen after launch.

Because Foster Commerce helped KTP understand post-launch costs and maintenance, Jerimiah was able to budget for the future and do long-term planning for ongoing improvements.

Like its development pricing, KTP found Foster Commerce’s maintenance pricing budget-friendly, too.


Overall, the KTP team is happy with the success of their digital transformation. The whole process, from start to finish, reflected KTP's goal to change its website while staying true to its business practices and brand, retaining customers, and staying within budget.

KTP is ready for the future and excited about its ongoing growth and adaptation. They know they've got support for their new ecommerce platform with the Foster Commerce team.

Jerimiah has this to say about the experience:

"It's just been so easy with Foster Commerce. The relationship is steady, and we know they're in it with us for the long haul."

B2B Ecommerce Websites

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