Field notes: Brand identity and ecommerce with Jim Coudal and Noah Bernsohn
Episode 11 of the Commerce Minded podcast

Hosted by Stephen Callender
Jan 22, 2019
In this episode of Commerce Minded
For Jim Coudal of Field Notes, it’s about putting the brand first and then figuring out how to “make the ecommerce piece of it work to show the brand in its best light.” Noah Bernsohn of One Design Company joins the conversation as well to help shed some light on why Craft Commerce was the best fit for the Field Notes site.
Listen to learn how Jim’s focus and consistency around knowing the Field Notes brand identity creates a clear sense of who they are and what they’re willing to do (and not do), and how they reconcile those boundaries and limits with growth and sales.
Key takeaways
The original audience for Field Notes were other designers
Field Notes wanted something specific and unique for their site, so they chose Craft Commerce
One Design Company designed and built the site