Unleashing the project management superhero within: Lessons from Rachel Gertz

Episode 28 of the Commerce Minded podcast

Hosted by Stephen Callender

May 7, 2024

Rachel Gertz, the visionary co-founder and director of growth and delivery at Louder Than Ten, graces today’s episode with revelations that will forever alter your perception of project management.

We examine the psychological depths and cultural implications of project management, discussing how this discipline is not just about timelines and budgets, but about understanding the complex human dynamics that drive success in business.

Rachel's insights on attachment theory in professional relationships and the emotional landscapes navigated by project managers illuminate the often-overlooked aspects of team interaction and company culture.

Later in our conversation, Rachel touches on ‘humanizing’ project management techniques, touching upon the integration of psychology in change management and the burgeoning concept of 'Brave New Work.'

Rachel shares Louder Than Ten's journey toward becoming a worker-owned cooperative, a move that's redefining community engagement and power dynamics. Her practical advice and heartening anecdotes offer invaluable wisdom for anyone aiming to champion project management with confidence and empathy.

In this episode

  • Insights about the human element in project management and its relationship to attachment theory and psychological safety

  • The evolution of digital project management, challenges in integration, sales alignment, and the expanded role of project managers

  • The power of a mindset shift in project management, wielding power through communication and risk identification

  • The need for project management literacy throughout a business to promote communication, a better understanding of risk, and company growth

  • Understanding desire dynamics (high and low desire roles) in project management and how they can create conflict and affect relationships

  • Workplace culture, organizational trauma, personal trauma, and employee well-being

  • What's next for Rachel and Louder Than Ten as it transitions to being a worker-owned cooperative

  • “Would you rather” game; questions posed by Stephen to Rachel about project management

Mentions in the show include: a quote from Edwin Friedman, Conversations for Action by Fernando Flores, and Brave New Work

The Commerce Minded podcast is powered by Foster Commerce. Hosted by Foster’s Owner and CEO Stephen Callender and Director of Marketing & Business Development Elle McSharry, the show features interviews with leaders in the trenches of digital commerce who are figuring things out, experiencing triumphs, overcoming challenges, and experiencing success.